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Posted by: Kersus - 02-14-2016, 02:52 AM - Forum: ə SCHWA - Replies (1)

I don't recall is this was previously covered. I'm sure another term is better.

Anyhow, I figure a Joss will allow:

a reroll
+2 ranks for a roll
d30 health

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Brick Traps / Petrification
Posted by: Kersus - 02-14-2016, 01:55 AM - Forum: ə SCHWA - Replies (1)

Have you done much in the way of Traps with SCHWA? Gaze attacks? Turned to stone, now what? Cure fixes it?

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Bug To the Tower
Posted by: Kersus - 02-10-2016, 02:40 PM - Forum: ə SCHWA - No Replies

I'll uuse this thread to post some conversions for an adventure I previously converted but don't have the conversions because I did it on the fly however i may have already posted them aand i have no incentive to look them up so I'm doing it from scratch. Why? Someday I'll run it again. 

It's a combat heavy homebrew originally made for AD&D1e, then converted to Lejendary Adventure and also SCHWA (on the fly).

First one:

W d6/by weapon
S d6
A d8/by weapon
D 2/0
H 20

Basically swamp Goblins but slightly smaller and more rotund. They wear mostly greens and reptile skins with some leather straps and such. Only slightly more affable than Goblins but more xenophobic. Often in distress because adventurers like to kill them for croocodile bait. Masters of swamp movement (+1 bonus to stealthy and initiative type things in wetlands) they generally use javelins, nets and hafted hooks(hatchets).

Each village would have a single Shaman, a single leader, and a Killer for each 5 males. 

Killer W d8, S d8, A d10; D 2/d3 (leather) H 25
Shaman W d4, S d12, A d8; D 2 H 20
Leader W d10, S d6, A d10; D 2/d3 (leather) H 30

The intention is that a group of Bogs with one killer that are the same number as a starting player party will be weaker. They require more numbers to defeat a starting party but the will parley to find a way to rid their land of people. They all worship Man-Thing/Heap o' Vines creatures and hate frog worshippers.

They are just smart enough to build a rickety wooden stockade and even may parley first. Mostly they just want to keep non-swamp denizens from tainting their land with soap and such horrible devices.

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  DCC #81 "The One Who Watches From Below."
Posted by: Kersus - 02-10-2016, 12:01 PM - Forum: ə SCHWA - Replies (10)


Eyes... yes, eyes...  AC 12 or 20 depending.... 6 hp.
Spying Eyes
Warrior d10; Sorcerer d10; Adventurer d10
Defence d3/d24(closed); Health 5(PCs)/2(NPCs); Size Tiny; Movement Painfully slow
Has -2 Character Points regardless of which creature eyes are on but can not use them while not dominating another creature. Can not cast spells, fight, or do much other than blink, move, and dominate. Dominates with a d10 vs target's Sorcerer Aspect (d12 vs Dwarves).

Hmmmm.... The eyes can take control of other creatures by winning an opposed Will save in DCC (think Will saves from 3e/D20 with no modifier for the eyes).... I guess that would be Sorcerer rolls?

So these things happen after a character is cursed, their eyes leave their body and can take on a new body by dominating it. They can not return to their own body until the curse is lifted. The eyes themselves slither around.

I'm re-reading Onanistic Hoodoo now to help convert this insert adjective adventure.

Rat Swarm is essentially the same except this one can hypnotize....
Halfling Hybrids
Laser Harpies
Eye Slime
Double Cockatrice
Giant Eyestalks
Giant Spider
Library Books
Halfling Hybrid Lord
Giant Acid Worms
Koe-bel, juvenile
Koe-bel, adult
Eyeless Gorilla
Negative Creep
Wall of Eyes
Primordial Titan

When I'm done, I'll post a blog article with all the conversions if OR is okay with that. Very very very open to thoughts.

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  SCHWA Playtests
Posted by: Kersus - 02-06-2016, 03:13 AM - Forum: ə SCHWA - Replies (1)




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  SCHWA Sci-Fi
Posted by: Kersus - 02-06-2016, 03:11 AM - Forum: ə SCHWA - No Replies

So, I know we talked about and tossed the SCHWA Modern idea at http://tripleoakleaf.myfreeforum.org/SCH...t2067.html however I was thinking about a conversion from Classic Traveller.

Warrior would remain the same as would Adventurer (taking on shooting) while Sorcerer would simply be anything technical from fixing a starship warp core to deactivating a bomb, to fixing a carburetor. Orrr, Sorcerer could be an access to non combat skills in the same way Magic is used. I guess Medical would go under Sorcerer as well....

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  OSCon 5.5
Posted by: Kersus - 10-26-2015, 03:57 AM - Forum: ə SCHWA - Replies (2)

I'm considering running a SCHWA Demo at this convention and wondered what suggestions you had?

Print a rulebook for each player..... 

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  Kersus Stupid and Old Ideas
Posted by: Kersus - 03-11-2015, 07:48 AM - Forum: ə SCHWA - Replies (13)

I was sorting through a pile of old papers and came across these items. I may have posted them previously however I'm too lazy to check. Obviously I was watching an infamous show around this time.

Magical Items:

Energy Bow (Use Warrior instead of Sorcerer for Powers): Power 1 Magic Dart; Power 2 Ensnaring Net

Griffin Shield (Warrior roll to use Power): Shield

Javelin Staff: Doubles jump distance, d3/d6 Human only, must have at least Adventurer d10

Hat of Many Things: Similar to Wand of Wonder

Cloak of Now You See Me, Now You Don't: Invisibility

Thunder Club: +2 d3/d6 Earthquake Power; Usable by Humans, Dwarfs, Orcs, Halflings

At least that's what I could make out from my scratchings. 

When did you start writing SCHWA? I think I have papers and conversions from back then. Can it be so long ago?

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  Walkers, Cephalates, and Thropes
Posted by: Oedipussy Rex - 02-28-2015, 03:39 PM - Forum: ə SCHWA - Replies (14)

Still a work in progress, but here's some stuff.

Skin-Walkers - Skin-walking is shamanistic magic where practitioners don the skins of animals to assume their form. The magic is generally considered a step toward darker magics in most societies where it is practiced. Donning the skin of humans (including all player races) is always considered an evil practice regardless of the attitude toward skin-walking. The magic is not available to players.

Theriocephalates - Hybrids like minotaurs, centaurs, mermaids, sphinx, etc. These are races unto themselves, not the result of interspecies breeding.

Therianthropes/Shape-shifters - Shape-shifters are creatures of two (or more) forms. Mercedes Thompson is an example of a shape-shifter; whether in human or coyote form, she has the same intelligence and thoughts. In her stories, she's never in danger of losing herself to the animal. Although unlike shape-shifters, she thinks of herself as a human who can change shape, not as someone with both a human and coyote form (but that has been changing as her story progresses).

Still to come: Werewolves

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Posted by: Oedipussy Rex - 02-23-2015, 07:07 AM - Forum: ə SCHWA - Replies (2)

S: 3
W: 8/d2 (horn)
A: 2
D: 5
H: 150
Size: L
Special: Trample d6
Gentle in nature, the Rhinoceros won't initiate a fight but also won't hesitate to finish one.

Pygmy Rhino
S: 3
W: 6/d1 (horn)
A: 2
D: 3
H: 30
Size: M
This diminutive cousin of the rhinoceros has been the cause of death for more than a few children of wealthy nobility who thought a Pygmy Rhino was absolutely adorable.

War Rhino
S: 5
W: 9/d3 (horn)
A: 3
D: 6
H: 450
Size: L
Special: Charge, Trample d12
Bred with the intention of being naturally armored behemoths for warfare. Unfortunately, the War Rhino proved to be an untrainable, ill-tempered animal that refused to be mounted.

War Rhinos are particularly dangerous when traveling in a crash (herd).

Pygmy War Rhino
S: 3
W: 8/d2 (horn)
A: 3
D: 4
H: 85
Size: M
Special: Charge, Trample d6

Whether a cross-breed between Pygmy Rhinos with War Rhinos or just War Rhino runts, the Rhinos aren't talking. War Rhinos are very protective of their Pygmy brethren.

Gnomish Pygmy War Rhino (mount)
S: 5
W: 8/d2 (horn)
A: 3
D: 4
H: 85
Size: M
Special: Magic Resistance; Magical Damage Reduction -1; Charge; Trample d4

Prized by the warrior Gnome tribes of the sub-tropical savanna regions. The Gnomish Pygmy War Rhino receives a +4 bonus to Resist spells and spell-like effects, being allowed the Resist even if the spell does not allow one. The Resist benefit extends to any riders at a +2 bonus.

Gnomish Pygmy War Rhinos are bonded at birth to a single Gnomish warrior and will not allow anyone else to mount it.

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