
Aikido, Aging, Healing

Aikido Blogs - Fri, 08/30/2024 - 14:57
In these last years I spent part of the week teaching Aikido to Elders. In the beginning it was a Region's Course on Elders' health, focused on the prevention of falls; but since in Aikido the very first lessons teach you to roll while falling -a prerequisite of every technique- it was only natural to include Aikido in the teaching.
We used to talk before and after the lesson, and as things go this led me to delve in the most recent parts of neurophysiological research (with which I had some familiarity eons ago);
first thing we discovered was that many of the common held beliefs were no more true, especially one quite interesting for elders: it's not true that dead neurons are not replaced; research of the last few years in Italy ( ref 71)), Australia and United States had seen that in certain conditions that you find in some martial arts like TaiChi, Aikido and also in Yoga -namely physical activity together with mental concentration- neurons can regrow. And this opened a whole world of opportunities for prevention (and even healing) of degenerative illnesses like Alzheimer.
But this was only the beginning, since the research on brain, consciousness, healing has made some giant steps.
I'll try to sketch some of these (a complete reference is in my book 'The Physics of Aikido and the Body-Mind Unity) in the following posts, but the first thing to underline is that is not just the usual advice to make physical exercise in order to feel well and age well; the research has gone deeper into the mechanism of aging, for example, and one of its resuts is what I stated before: is not just exercise but a combination of exercise+mental concentration that works
..and you could do worse than practice Aikido in order to reap its benefits.
Categories: Aikido


Aikido Blogs - Fri, 08/30/2024 - 14:34
Aikido is different from other martial arts because its core, harmony between man and nature's energy, encompasses also the opponent: so there no fight between enemies.
From a Physics point of view this is quite convenient, since it allows to resort to Relativity: Tori becomes the center of reference, and Uke is the only one which moves (in order to take Tori's movements into account you have to add the same movements to Uke, just reversed.
And this frame of reference allows to simplify all the Mechanics, to the point that you may derive general laws: the main one is conservation of Energy. It means that in Aikido Techniques there's no waste of Energy, and this is a beautiful result, since it confirms that Aikido is actually a way of harmony with Nature.
(The details can be followed in my paper quoted in the Introduction)
The technical form of all Techniques is based on Tensors (a Tensor is the combination of more Vectors); in our case Tensors correspond to Rotations, one or more, or a combination of.
This helps us to see that the most essential technique is irimi-tenkan, which gives way to all other techniques.
Categories: Aikido

Sep 21-22, 2024: Shirakawa Sensei in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Aikido News - Tue, 08/27/2024 - 08:33
Sep 21-22, 2024: Shirakawa Sensei in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
From: Andrew Barron posted on 27. Aug 2024, 07:33am

On Sept.21/22, Ryuji Shirakawa Shihan will be conducting his sole North American visit this year in Calgary Alberta. Sensei Shirakawa is known for his dynamic style and teaching and is well worth the time to see,and learn from. Registration is still open but filling up quickly

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    Aikikai Recognition

    Aikido News - Tue, 08/27/2024 - 08:33
    Aikikai Recognition
    From: Mofy posted on 27. Aug 2024, 07:33am

    Aikikai Malta was technically recognised on technical merits by the Aikikai Foundation and certified by the Aikido Doshu. This made Aikikai Malta at par with other countries on technical and organisational aspects. Aikikai Malta is supervised by Jun Nomoto Shihan.

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    Oct 19, 2024: Aikido Center of Los Angeles 50th Anniversary Dinner Celebration

    Aikido News - Tue, 08/27/2024 - 08:33
    Oct 19, 2024: Aikido Center of Los Angeles 50th Anniversary Dinner Celebration
    From: Mark Ehrlich posted on 27. Aug 2024, 07:33am

    Come join us to celebrate 50 years of training at the Aikido Center of Los Angeles on Saturday, October 19, 2024! Cocktail hour, dinner, and performances by prominent Japanese and Japanese-American cultural figures. Please visit our website for more information and pricing.

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