Cepheus Journal

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A Cepheus Engine Fanzine
Updated: 4 years 5 months ago

Cepheus Journal Issue #001

Thu, 08/13/2020 - 11:34
Download the first issue of Cepheus Journal. There is an article about CE skills, part one of a scifi adventure on salvage and recovery, a Sword of Cepheus NPC, a description of a free trader with deckplans, a small pseudolizard species to encounter, a piece on modern war, tech level comparisons and more. We want … Continue reading Cepheus Journal Issue #001
Categories: Tabletop Gaming Blogs

Rosalis Cluster

Tue, 07/28/2020 - 09:35
Rosalis Cluster is Sector generated using the Cepheus Engine rules. It can now be downloaded from the downloads page. The download includes a huge PNG-image (4227 x 5305 pixels), and two text-files with the UWPs and the XML-data. In the map of the sector we can see two multi subsector empires. The Raniera Worlds and … Continue reading Rosalis Cluster
Categories: Tabletop Gaming Blogs

Welcome to the Cepheus Journal

Thu, 06/25/2020 - 13:41
The Cepheus Journal is a free and ad-free Fanzine. We are looking for submissions. While we wait for the first issue, these mock-up covers might provide some inspiration.
Categories: Tabletop Gaming Blogs