Kersus's blog

[WWII-OW] Corporal Charmer Level 1

RPG: WWII Operation Whitebox

Corporal Encirp
A Russian Charmer of the First Level

10 Strength
13 Intelligence
08 Wisdom
14 Dexterity
08 Constitution
09 Charisma

+0 BHB, 15ST, 4HP
Friendly Demeanor, Smooth Operator, +2 ST vs Influence

[MB] Orn the Tough | Classless



0 Agility
0 Presence
+2 Strength
+3 Toughness

11 Hit Points

10 silvers, waterskin, 3 days food, magnesium strip, ? sacred scroll, staff (d4), padded armour (-d2, tier 1), sacred scroll of Lucy-Fires Levitation (Hover for Presence +1d10 rounds)

[FAL] Ewe Gor | Elf 1

RPG: Far Away Land

Ewe Gor the Elf

Actions 6 - Luck 2 - Level 1 - XP 0
Brute 2 - Dexterity 3 - Wits 1 - Hit Points 12
Boons: Athletics 1, Manipulate 1, Sneak 1
Flaws: Jealousy, Covetousness
Special: better hearing, better sight, night sight, +1 with an Elfin Bow.

AC 2 Light Armour
Longsword 1d6+1, Dagger 1d6, Belt of 6 Throwing Daggers 1d6
Cloak, backpack, 6 glass bottles of oil, flint and steel, grappling hook, lantern, lock picks, hand mirror, pouch, rope

[CoC7e] Thomas Johnson | Medical Missionary

Thomas Johnson, Missionary to India
25 years old

75 Strength
60 Constitution
65 Dexterity
70 Appearance
45 Power
55 Size
75 Intelligence/Idea
85 Education/Know

Move 9; Cred...

[TROIKA!] Cliff the Ardent Giant of Corda | Starter

Hi, I'm Cliff.

I am an Ardent Giant of Corda seeking adventure.

Check out my Skill of 5; Stamina of 21 and Luck of 9. You need me.

I have some really cool advanced skills in Strength 4 (I'm a Giant!); Astrology 3 (Whooooo); Run 2 (long legs help); Climb 2 (so versatile).

[COC7e] S13 | Culling Llellewyloly

Call of Cthulhu 7e
GM: Michael Mirth

CthulhuBob as Breathless Nik
Dwight as Let's Do It Derek
Kathi as Adventurous Anna
Luke as Being Frank
Legend Dan as Pointy End First Duckworth

Also (NPCs)
Gregori Rasputin (Dmitri Passelov), Doc Holiday (Tom Mackay), Adrian Stimson, Irene Adler

[OD&D] S23 The Revenirs | Palace of the Vampire Queen

DM Michael Calleia aka Malchor

The Revenirs
Yolofinwe the Reasonable (Elf Fighter/Magic-User)
Damascus Once Risen (Human Fighting-Man)
Hodge the Hammer (Human Fighting-Man)
Elestar the Builder (Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Cleric)
Sebastian Hawk Eye (Halfling Thief)

NPC Tristan the Human Cleric

Diary of Hodge the Once and Future Liberator

[COC7e] S12 | Are You My Mummy?

GM: Michael Mirth

Passing Love Ivanovich from the scenic Steppes
The Less Clever Moriarty from Witch House, Arkham
Disguised Awna Stayzeah from the Grace of Gregori
Fingers in The Face Frankie absolutely not from The Syndicate
Rapier Duckworth from all places Highfalutin

Also (NPCs)
Gregori Rasputin, Doc Holiday, Adrian Stimson, Irene Adler

People at Observatory

[COC7e] S11 | Where in the World is Ginger

Written by Kathi Hutton.

Pages mysteriously found and believed to be from the diary of Virginia Elizabeth Fitzgerald.

[COC7e] S10 | That is a Hairy Man

August 9, 2020
GM: Michael Mirth

Nik 'Cigarette' Ivanovich from Russia
Derek 'Clueless' Moriarty from Arkham
Virginia Elizabeth Fitzgerald from Providence

Also (NPCs or PCs without their Ps)
Gregori Rasputin, Doc Holiday, Adrian Stimson, Sir Gerald Duckworth, Frankie Fingers

People at Observatory
Roslyn Rosebud and Martha (Ginger's maid)



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