RPG: Far Away Land
Ewe Gor the Elf
Actions 6 - Luck 2 - Level 1 - XP 0
Brute 2 - Dexterity 3 - Wits 1 - Hit Points 12
Boons: Athletics 1, Manipulate 1, Sneak 1
Flaws: Jealousy, Covetousness
Special: better hearing, better sight, night sight, +1 with an Elfin Bow.
AC 2 Light Armour
Longsword 1d6+1, Dagger 1d6, Belt of 6 Throwing Daggers 1d6
Cloak, backpack, 6 glass bottles of oil, flint and steel, grappling hook, lantern, lock picks, hand mirror, pouch, rope