tmjva's blog

Tracy's HackMoor 2017/09/21 Into the City of Brass

Games are (usually) on Thursday nights sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

Last week's pizza we we had a Philly Steak with fresh Mozzarella (no other meats).

Because Friday night is my month-end closing, Thursday's game will be a board game (I need my beauty sleep), depending on the number of Players: 5 or less: Ticket to Ride. (Rail Baron "light"); 6 even: Rail Baron (sudden death); 7 even: Old Civilization, (the only 7 player board game I can think of).


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Tracy's HackMoor 2017/09/14 Into the Plane of Fire

Games are (usually) on Thursday nights sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

This week's pizza was the usual staple of a Meat Lover's pizza with the Pepperoni out and Philly Steak added. Suggestions anyone?


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Tracy's HackMoor 2017/09/07 Consolidated Since 2017/07/20

Games are (usually) on Thursday nights sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

This is a consolidated report over several weeks. We did not do very much due to various illness, absences, and the fact is we are between adventures.


The party started the next few sessions with administrative matters. Since it was the end of the adventure, they decided to cash in their chips (shares).

Tracy's HackMoor 2017/08/10 No HackMaster Last Night

Or any other game last night. I'm out of town.

To summarize this week's report, I had an excellent lunch on Sunset Blvd in West Hollywood with an old friend and author at a French restaurant called the "Le Petit Four".

She had Steamed Fresh Mussels in a white sauce and I had the Spinach Quiche with mushrooms.

We both had Flan for dessert.

Tracy Johnson
Old fashioned text games hosted below:


Tracy's HackMoor 2017/08/03 Divine Right Playtest

I'm doing a pre-publication demo of the latest edition of Divine Right at the Guns of August Convention at the Virginia War Museum August 25-27, 2017. 9285 Warwick Blvd. Newport News, Virginia 23607

Expect to run the game on the Saturday afternoon time slot (after lunch). Let's say, 1PM will run to the bitter end.

Since I'm running this demo, this night we did a small play test with my gaming group. There was one item worthy of note:

One guy had the Trolls. He had one ally with the personality that allows only one unit per set up space.

Tracy's HackMoor 07/20/2017 This Concludes Our Adventuring Season

Games are (usually) on Thursday nights sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

Tomorrow's game will be another board game. I got a pre-publication revision of the latest Divine Right game to play test. I'll also be running that as an official sanctioned demo at the Guns of August convention in Newport News Virginia on 25-27 August.

Tracy's HackMaster 2017/06/15 Back Down the Temple

Games are (usually) on Thursday nights sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.


I have forgotten the type of pizza as it has been two weeks.

I'm also going to skip a lot of detail, such as diarming traps, minor combats, and treasure takings, as it would make this too lengthy and difficult to remember.

Tracy's HackMaster 2017/06/08 More Leveling Up

Games are (usually) on Thursday nights sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.


We had a extra large meat lover's pizza substituting philly cheesesteak for pepperoni.

We had a quorum, but after an hour or so of small talk which was a total waste of time. We pegged on the idea of leveling up some of the NPCS. By 8:30PM I had figured we weren't going to run the dungeon this night, so we continued the leveling process.

Tracy's HackMoor(v4) 2017/06/01 "Factory Manager"

Games are (usually) on Thursday nights sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.


We decided to use a different restaurant after some debate on doing "something different". One suggestion was declined for Burger King as "too expensive", which was odd as I ended up paying near 60 bucks at another Italian place.

Tracy's HackMoor(v4) 2017/05/25 "Civilization"

Games are (usually) on Thursday nights sometime after 5:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.


This session we had a former Player visit and he brought his entourage, including five large pizzas for everyone. That would be 5 honor points for his former character that is now an NPC.

This left me with the dilemma of continuing HackMaster this night or playing something else.


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