I always get excited when I see someone crafting in public, it gives me the warm fuzzies. It honestly hasn't happened that often and mostly I've seen it at fibre fests or craft shows. I knit anywhere and everywhere that doesn't seem inappropriate. Usually I'm met with curious glances and the occasional 'My grandma used to knit.' Very rarely another yarn-er will come up to me and we'll get into a discussion about what I'm making, the pattern, the type of yarn, etc. I love those interactions, and as soon as I find out the person talking to me also is a yarn-er, I feel an automatic bond and we become kindred spirits. I then have an irresistible urge to give them yarn, as some show of yarny friendship. Like the spit handshakes cowboys used to do. I give you this yarn from my stash, now we have a sacred fibre bond! I've also done this to my non-crafty friends, surprised them with knitting kits and random balls of yarn just in case they are interested, or maybe to guide them towards the light that is yarning? 'Excuse me, Have you heard the good news about knitting and crochet?'.
My favourite place to knit/crochet right now is at the arena, when my boyfriend is playing hockey. I've managed to master knit/crochet with gloves on so I can work on things while I'm waiting for the game or while he's on the bench. I figured out that blankets are an excellent arena project, especially once they get big enough to cover your lap, then it's a blanket I'm making and using..... while I'm making it! Knitception?
Knitting makes me a more social person, I find it difficult to socialize with a group of women for the most part, I have always been more comfortable around men. If I'm with a group of knitting women, I'm in my comfort zone and I'll happily chat about needles, fibres and projects for hours. Once the topics change I will usually clam up again.
Now that I've gotten little rant out of system, I can move onto my projects progress. I've been trying to finish up (or rip out) any UFO's I came across in my knitting room. I frogged a completed sweater/shawl, because it never should have been knit. I finished off my hateful eight scarves (Finally! No more knitting scarves for a long while), and I finished off my second Jayne Hat for a friend. I also finally finished a prayer shawl that had been on the go for a few months, as well as a few cowls and an american girl dress. There are a few UFO's in my craft room that are out of reach (I'll get you my pretties and your little needles too!) but I'm down to the following active projects right now: My 10-stitch blanket, the No starting chain boucle blanket (The blankets are more long -term projects) , my thrummed mitts (Don't judge me! I'll have them done by next winter) , the lovely delicate ruffled wrap and a hat I'm trying to design from the movie Inside Out.
Now that I'm down to just a few projects I feel I can start some new ones! I'm currently looking for a nice rectangular shawl pattern that could also be used as a lap-ghan.
FO's galore!