Rikki-Tikki-Traveller 2e
Race: Vargr
Age: 38
Melee 3(4)
Admin 1, Animals (Riding) 1, Athletics (Dex) 1, Deception 1, Engineer 1, Explosives 1, Gun Combat 1, Heavy Weapons (Man) 1, Leadership 1, Medic 1, Recon 1, Vacc Suit 1
Drive 0, Electronics 0, Flyer 0, Mechanics 0, Profession 0
10K Creds; 10K/annum pension
Combat Implant -Enhance Melee (from 3 to 4)
Cloth Armour (self sealing, computer weave 0, chameleon, thruster pack) +8
Hostile Environment Vacc Suit (thruster pack, magnetic grapples, eye protection, computer weave 0) +12
Army Academy declined entry; successful entry into Army-Support.
Term 1: Hostile planet (Vacc1), Rank 1 Lance Cpl, same plant as J Vargr (Dec. 1).
Term 2: +1 Endurance; Brutal gorund war (guns), Rank 2 Cpl
Term 3: Athletics 1; Planet (wild or hostile) with J Aslan (Melee 1); Rank 3 Lance Sgt; Explosives 1
Term 4: Melee; Heroism in battle, Rank 4 Sgt; +1 Endurance, Ageing -1 Strength
Term 5: Melee, Peacekeeper (Admin), Rank 5 Gunnery Sgt, Heavy Weps (Man portable)