[RTT2e] 2020-08-20 Jamocon 5.2.3

[RTT2e] 2020-08-20 Jamocon 5.2.3

Mongoose Traveller 2e played via Discord and Fantasy Grounds Unity

Locations: Floating Palace, Drinax

Main Crew
Doctor Emerson Blue
Captain Xerxes
Recruiter Grus
Astrogator Chan Crawford (retired pirate)
Chief Nork
Engineer Dietrech

Diary of H-Gunner 1

Grus recruited myself and five others to join this group. We are made aware of the Space Farmer's Almanac and I leaf through it with my cybernetic hand. I learn a few rumours.

[AD&D1e] 2020-08-18 Tiwesdæg Myrgþ | Dungeon of the Mad Hermit 3

"Attack on Titan"

Willy Wanderers
Hælen Whelmette, a Ranger
Kruger Kannon, an Archer
Gorlim Cowl, a Baby Seal Clubber
D'Corry Ladykiller, a Temptor
Missing Raven Express and Areyn Aktshion

Diary of Hælen Whelmette
So there we are facing a Titan-sized skull, mostly buried with four Fire Giant skeletons holding up the ceiling.

[COC7e] S08 | It's Always Sunny in Mirthville

"The Sacrifice of Heimlich Maneuver"
GameMaster: Michael Mirth

Attendees: Ginger, Derek, Nik
Away: Gerald, Frankie

Dreamland NPCs of note
Atol (moonwine), Kranon, P. Baxter, Maven, Maven's soldiers, Dwarf prisoners, Tokar (librarian), Nodar (Librarian's assistant usually at Gordian Knott), Nasht and Kaman-Thoth (entrance), White Savage (magical construct of Eibon)

[AD&D1e] 2020-08-04 Tiwesdæg Myrgþ | Dungeon of the Mad Hermit 1

"The Monk and the Mimic"
Dungeon Master: Michael Mirth

Sinister Six
(Dwight) Hælen the Half-Human/Half-Human Ranger
(Kitten) Areyn the Grædig Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Thief
(Kurt) Gorlim the Hooded Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric
(Evan) Raven the Spedig Human Monk
(Chase) Kruger the Plæsəd Elf Fighter/Magic-User
(Clay) D'Corry the Ladykiller Dwarf Cleric

[COC7e] S09 | Not 100% Evil

Not 100% Evil or The Cat and the Painting
Session 9 (August 2, 2020)
Attendees: Nik, Derek, Gerald, Ginger

Diary of Derek Moriarty
May 18, 1927

I've lost track of time in my wishing to visit Ooth Nargai. Nodar has 12gp from us. We have two doses of dream drug left. I have a spear from Krannan and the Dream Dagger.

[AD&D1e] 2020-08-11 Tiwesdæg Myrgþ | Dungeon of the Mad Hermit 2

"Dungeon of the Mad Hermit"

Sinister Six:
(Dwight) Hælen a Human Ranger [AC3/HP12]
(Kitten) Areyn the Elf F/M/T [AC8/HP11]
(Chase) Kruger the Elf F/M [AC4 HP11]
(Kurt) Gorlim the Half-Orc F/C [AC4/HP10]
(Evan) Raven the Human Monk [AC7/HP11]
Late Arrival: (Clay) D'Corry a Dwarf Cleric [AC?/HP13]

[OD&D] S17 The Revenirs | Palace of the Vampire Queen

OD&D with Malchor

The Revenirs
Damascus, Human Fighting-Man
Hodge, Human Fighting-Man
Tristan, Human Cleric of.....
Sebastian, Hobbit Thief and Party Scout
Yolo, Elf Fighter/Magic-User
Elestar, Half-Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Cleric of Silvanus

Morg a Kobold with a lantern
Bert a Kobold with a torch and 2 javelins

OOC: We touch base about the campaign, go over some history.

[OD&D] Hodge the Humble | Malchor Discord-Roll20

[OD&D] Hodge the Humble a Human Fighter of No Repute

Malchor's OD&D Discord/Roll20 Campaign
Palace of the Vampire Queen
Original Dungeons & Dragons + bells & whistles

Human Fighting-Man (Veteran)
Lawful-Neutral, Man+1, Listen 1, 6" Move
Worships Taranis with a teeter-totter nod to Nodens and interest in Smertrious

[OD&D] S16 The Revenirs | Palace of the Vampire Queen

[OD&D] S16 Malchor's Palace of the Vampire Queen

Attendees: Damascus(HF), Hodge(HF), Elestar(.5EFMC), Sebastian(.5T)
Missing: Tristan (HC), Yolo (EFM)

Back to town the courthouse has a trial in motion. Damascus attempts to gain bounty on our bandit ears and proof of Hagarth's death. They don't like that the ears are desiccated and about a week old. We see if the dagger of Hagarth is worth anything. Blacksmith says it's Human made and while the etching is nice, it's just okay - nothing special.


Hodge reads about the history of Balor (Mountains).

[AD&D1e] Hælen Whelmette | Human Ranger 1 | Tuesday Mirth

System: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1e

Hælen Whelmatte

Human Ranger 1; Neutral Good...


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