Battle Creek

The first leg of our adventure is complete.

We left at 10:30am and made good time. Two service centre stops and a Cracker Barrel. The border essentially waived us through after we handed over our fruit.

Neither the phones nor the GPS worked near the border but I had a feel for my way.

Fitting in Tight pants

I find myself juggling many items and wondering each day how I am going to fit it all in. I've diversified to remain viable but the line between healthy diversification and spreading too thin is hard to see.

I regret my publishing business has suffered to build my computer solutions which has recently added web hosting to it's repertoire.

Now, I head to GaryCon without product to sell, no projects to pitch, but these are the people I want to work with through TOL Publishing.

Kickstarter is looks to look attractive, but that's for after the Con.

GaryCon Prep

Well, the week prior to GaryCon did not go as planned. Extra work came my way (which is a good thing) but also extra expenses and adversity. Things so easily get pushed off and then the noose tightens.

I'm looking forward to this convention however I am far from ready to head toward it.

Falling into Fandom

My wife had always been a fan and collector of comics. Super hero,  horror, romance, funny animal, independent you name it. She was in love with comics. While I had an understanding of them and I did like some of them I wasn't a die hard fan. I tried to follow In her passion by collecting a lot of Thor comics and paraphernalia but I wasn't truly smitten. I decided one fine day that I did prefer the magazine comics format like judge dread, heavy metal etc. I collected heavy metal magazine for quite a while during an especially good run of stories both weird and wonderful.

The Twin Dilemma

After sacrificing himself so that Peri could live in the last story, the Caves of Androzani.. the Doctor has regenerated into his sixth form "and not a moment too soon".  The Dr finds his regeneration unstable, there are problems with control. After all a time lord who is hundreds of  years old must have some pent up hostility, I know I do and I'm only 50! He finds himself some garish clothing to suit his frenetic personality then tries to kill his companion by strangling her before catching a glimpse of himself in a mirror and coming to his senses.

My inner tardis

My inner Tardis is a place inside me that is bigger on the inside than I am on the outside. It conceals all of my hidden thoughts, most of which are hidden from even myself. As I walk the corridors of this vast and mostly made up space I find myself rummaging through old moldy cardboard boxes mostly filled with broken toys and comic books. Here for instance is a red robot made of plastic and metal, his gears all spilling out. I got him for Christmas one year when I was around 10 I think. One of my older brothers wanted to see how it worked so he took it apart.

what happened to the future?




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