HackMoor 2019/02/21 Into the Wilderness

Games are on Thursday nights sometime after 6:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

I decided to make something unusual, a bacon double-cheeseburger pizza. The cook used bacon, ground beef and American cheese. Finely chopped onions (I think), tomatoes, and pickles, with a little mustard in the background. Yes, it tasted like a bacon cheeseburger.

HackMoor 2019/02/14 Love Letter

Games are on Thursday nights sometime after 6:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

We had a combo pizza much to the chagrin of the player who won't eat pepperoni. I picked them all out and I ate them.


Last week we had the debut of a new batch of characters. Bottom line, I ran the situation easy just to get the hang of Player interaction.

HackMoor 2019/02/07 Campaign Reset New Character Development

Games are on Thursday nights sometime after 6:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.

We had a large sausage pizza.


In continuation from last week we continued developing new first level characters, the end results are thus, one each:

Wood-Elf Druid
Half-Elf Thief
Cleric - Roman Catholic
Painted Mage

HackMoor 2019/01/31 Campaign Reset

Games are on Thursday nights sometime after 6:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.


This week we did a campaign reset and scratched out all the old characters and rolled up new one.

This was predicated on two new Players showing up and rather than deal with assimilation into the party everyone starts at first level.

We rolled up one Samurai, one Druid, one Cleric, one Thief, and one Magic User.

Sounds like one interesting First Level party.

HackMoor 2019/01/24 Samurai Swords

Games are on Thursday nights sometime after 6:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.


​Last week we played old Milton Bradley's "Samurai Swords", the week before that on the 17th, there was no game, and the week before that on the 10th I forgot what we did.

But anyway back to "Samurai Swords", it has a "Risk-like" feel to it and even has a card per territory like "Risk" albeit used more like ownership titles. One Player was thoroughly amazed and wanted to Play it again.

[thepuck 2019-01-19] Flyers 5 @ Habs 2 EN

More than half the period was gone before the Flyers achieved a shot on goal. 14 minutes in they had a 3 on 2 against a collapsing Mete and Weber, performed a nice play and missed the net. The period end 0-0 and despite the lack of SOGs by Philly, it's a tight free-flowing game with only ten faceoffs so far with both teams playing well...

[Movie Review] The Forest (2016) 2 Catkins


The Forest is a well paced tense ride with appropriate jump-scares but fails in the end by not following the verisimilitude it built up.

The cast was excellent and the production values felt solid. Even the concept had a lot of potential and again, the constant tension was near perfect as this film keeps you glued.

[thepuck 2019-01-21] Avs 0 @ Habs 3 EN

Press are still yacking about MacKinnon's temper tantrum. Ex-Hab Mark Barberio is in the lineup for the Avs.

Below is the lineup with my rating for each player in the game. This is not a direct reflection of their skill level but how they impacted this specific game. It's rated from 1-10. It does not take into account intangibles like how they lead off the ice.

HackMoor 2019/01/03 Thief Caught ... Not

Games are on Thursday nights sometime after 6:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.



HackMoor 2018/12/20 History of the World and 2018/12/29 No Game

Games are on Thursday nights sometime after 6:30PM at World's Best Comics, 9714 Warwick Blvd Newport News, Virginia 23601.




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